
Showing posts from February, 2024

Yukino Izumikawa - INFP

My  Myers-Briggs Test Indicator is INFP “The dreamer”,which is personality type tends to be introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic indivisuals that want to do good in the world. And this type often has a talent for language and writing. I think this description only applies to half. I am an private and a little bit idealistic person. I like to spend time alone such as going for a walk and traveling somewhere.  But I do not think I want to do good in the world, just for myself and I am not good at creating something. I only like to watch creative works such as paintings, photograghs and buildings. I wish I had a talent for language. I am still struggling to improve my english.  

Lom - ENFJ

ENFJ “The Mentor” My MBTI is ENFJ. The ENFJ personality type is Extrovert, iNtuitive, Feeler, and Judging. People with ENFJ personality type are often described as warm, outgoing, supportive, and encouraging. The ENFJ tend to focus on others and have excellent people skills. Also, good at language skills, do well in leadership roles. I agree with this one. I’m an extrovert person and enjoy spending time with friends. I usually have a ability to understand what others feel while also recognizing the importance of allowing other people to express themselves fully. I always support and encouraging my friends.   

Sota Maeda - INTP

  My MBTI parsonarity is INTP, "The Engineer". It is said that a INTP person is logical, individualistic, reserved and very curious individual. I agree with logical and reserved perspectives. When I start doing something new, I often think the way the thing will be in progress deeply. I don't think about something emortionally, so I think I am a logical person. Also, I'm sure I have a reserved characteristic. I don't express my feelings such as anger and upset in front of other people. I sometimes like to spend a time alone.   However, I disagree with individualistic perspective. I think I am not a selfish person, and I think about the feelings of other people at the discussion time, for example. 

Mao Nakamura - ISFJ

 My MBTI is ISFJ, "the Defender". The textbook says "traditional, loyal, quiet and kind. You are sensitive to other people's need because you are very observant and pay attention to detail. You do not seek positions of authority."  I often care about people's hearts. For example, I think what people want me to do and decide how I will behave. Moreover, I think what to act to prevent other people from feeling bad. Sometimes I'm too sensitive to do what you want, so I feel tired. I partly agree that I'm quiet. I'm so quiet when I'm alone. Also, I don't speak very much when I see people for the first time. However, I talk a lot with my family and friends. I joke and laugh loudly among close people. I love chatting and laughing. I agree that I'm not interested in authority. I don't want to be a leader because I don't like to be responsible. When I start a job, I don't want to get promoted. However, I was student council vice p

Katsuki -INTP

 My MBTI type is INTP. According to MBTI profiles, I'm the engineer type. It shows "logical, individualistic, reserved and very curious individual. You focus on ideas, theories and the explanation of how things work."  I think it matches my personality. I like to think how the things work. I am curious about everything surrounding me. I prefer to be alone. But I also like chatting with my friends and family. I often follow my intuition. Though INTP represent my personality,   it depends on my feelings.


My result of Myers-Briggs test is INTP, 'the engineer'. It says 'logical individualistic, reserved and very curious individuals. You focus on ideas, theories and the explanation of how things work'. I partially agree with this result. I think I am logical and reserved. On the other hand, sometimes I am individualistic, but at other times I am altruistic. Sometimes I put my own benefit first, but I also spend time for other people.  I also think I'm not very curious.

Andrew - ISFJ

  3 ~ 4 years a go, I used MBTI firstly.  There were so many questions.  At that time, I was ISFJ.   So asked to my friends about my MBTI, someone agreed but someone did not. In last year, my family discussed about the personality, so everyone used MBTI. As like 3 years ago, I got the same result, I told to my family "I have same result three years ago!!!" My wife said with a big smile, "You're reliable."  In fact, I expressed disbelief in MBTI when talking with family. But since the results have been consistently the same, my wife couldn't help but laugh. And oops! The same thing happened on this Tuesday I believe MBTI can clarify people's tendencies more easily. However, there are so many individuals in the world, each have their own unique personality. I don't think categorizing all diversity into 16 types is the best approach. I think what really helps in getting to know someone when you first meet them is spending time together and sharing exper


     According to the "Myers-Briggs Test Indicator", my profile is identified as 'The Confidant", which describes "introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others". I could definitely say that introspective and sensitive are both precise adjectives to portray myself. While I have a rich inner world, and spend lots of time with my own thoughts and imagination, I am also able to sense the others around me and feel when there is something wrong. This can be deemed as a developed interpersonal skill, but at times I may feel overwhelmed by this "awareness" and consequently look for solitary activities to clear my mind.      I am not sure whether I would use the phrase "strive for peace" to indicate that I'd rather be in peaceful environments than in chaotic ones. I avoid conflicts, but don't try to make other people behave the same way. Regarding the other

Roger Ni-INFJ

My Myers-Briggs Test Indicator is "The Confidant" which means I am introspective, senstive,gentle,complex people who strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others. I partly agree with this conclusion to the extent of maybe, 70%. As far as I am concerned, I am kind of solitary, spending much time on my own. I can feel the needs and emotional changes of others, but I am always disturbed by this. Right now, focusing on myself is the priority, and being senstive has gone too far. It's hard to say if I feel joyful in terms of offering help to others. Perhaps half of the time it is true. I also searched the defination of INFJ on google, part of which is  led by their values and intuition, and firm decision makers. Yes, I am quite obstinate. It's just a test and I don't pretty much care if it is right or wrong.

INTP-Mizuki Kikori

  I identify myself as an INTP, which stands for introverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. This personality type is characterized by being logical, individualistic, reserved, and highly curious. INTPs tend to focus on ideas, theories, and the explanation of how things work. Although I am mostly satisfied with this explanation, I have to admit that it doesn't always fit my personality. While I enjoy being alone, going outside without any plans, and having deep conversations with my friends, I also like going out and chatting with my friends. Sometimes, I even have difficulties in focusing on something complicated.

Karen Matsuda - ESFJ

 ESFJ ‘The Supporter’  It said ‘Social butterflies that value relationship, supporting and nurturing others. You are dutiful and have a deep concern for others. You often end up as caretakers’. I mostly agree with it. I like to chat with people and because i have an 7years younger brother i do often end it up taking care of my brother and others.


State what your Myers-Briggs Test Indicator is, eg ISFJ 'The Defender' and say to what extent the description of the profile on page 158 fits your personality. Say what, in your opinion, it gets right and what it gets wrong. Title your post with your name and your MBTI profile eg Mayumi Shimizu - ISFJ.

About me - Andrew Cha

  Hello, everyone. It is nice to meet you all. My name is Andrew Cha. Last year, I came to New Zealand with my family. I am taking my first sabbatical in  life, experiencing a new life in a New Zealand. I have been living in New Zealand for about 9 months now, and every day feels fresh. Somethings that were routine and easy in my previous life are not so easy in New Zealand. It took a lot of time.  It even took two weeks to install internet in the rental house. However, there are also many new things here in New Zealand that I could not easily do before, which are now very common and easy to do. Sitting on the right side of the vehicle and driving was very unfamiliar to me, but everyone does it here. Maybe your life in New Zealand is unfamiliar and challenging, but there are also many new and exciting things. I hope you all enjoy your new life in New Zealand.

About me-Lom

     I’m Thai. My full name is Sirikorn Sirima. My nickname is Lomprew, but you can call me Lom. I’m 23 years old. I graduated from university in China last year.  My bachelor's degree is in international law. So, I can speak Thai, Chinese and English.    I’m the only child in my f amily . My family let me study in China. Since I was in Junior high school till high school, I often went to China to study in short term and long term. When I was 16 years old, I had a chance to be an exchange student in China for 1 year in AFS Intercultural Programs.     I’m very interested in surfing. So, when I came to New Zealand I studied surfing at the Esplanade Surf School. I love to go surfing every weekend or when I have a free time.  I hope I will be a professional surfer one day.    I really love to eat spicy food. Even now I’m in New Zealand, I still like to go Thai restaurant and Chinese restaurant every weekend. In Dunedin, I always go to Asian Star Food to eat Thai food and Chong’s restau

About me - Keita Adachi

     Nice to meet you. I'm Keita Adachi.      I'm from Chiba prefecture in Japan and I still live in my hometown. I'm in the third grade at my university in Japan and my major is law. I've been studying in the Language Centre since last October and I'm studying here until June.      My family members are my parents and a dog named Pearl. She is the Toy Poodle and 15 years old. Therefore, I like animals except for insects. My hobbies are watching rugby, taking photographs, listening to J-POP and watching Netflix. Especially, I enjoy taking photographs of beautiful landscapes in New Zealand and watching anime, such as Bleach and Tokyo Ghoul on Netflix these days. I'm looking forward to the start of the rugby season on 24th of February.

About me- Roger Ni

 Hi everyone!   My name is Roger. I come from China and have been living in Shanghai all through my life. I am studying English language at Otago. Happy to share some precious time with you here.   I am always a fan of a variety of sports, especially weightlifting and yoga. These are the two main activities to unwind myself. Weightlifting is a process to move the barbell from the ground level to an overhead position primarily by the power generated by legs and glutes. Since I am a beginner, I can’t lift much. There is a good friend in Shanghai, and she is more than a coach to me.   After my arrival here, I have been watching YouTube videos regarding cooking. I am interested in knowing about different cooking styles. My favorite one is a bagel sticked with squashed sausages with a coddled egg in the middle hole, nice and easy.   I love dogs and often dream of raising a border collie, the smartest dog on earth. There are benefits I know from walking and playing with a dog

About me - Isis

     Kia ora, my name is Isis (it is pronounced 'e-zies’). I’m from a touristic coastal town in the northeast of Brazil, where people usually go on vacation during summertime. It is commonplace that people go for a stroll along the waterfront of its most popular beach, full of coconut trees and ‘tapioca’ tents. I’m very lucky to live nearby in a small and cozy apartment with my parents and our five adopted cats. However, despite the inviting landscape around, I also enjoy having a ‘home time’ with my pets.      I graduated in Psychology some years ago, but as I’m much into foreign languages, I decided to be an English teacher and translator. I'm still in the process of qualifying for it, and coming to New Zealand was one of the strategies I adopted to improve my fluency.      Regarding my hobbies, I take pleasure from reading novels, watching TV series and films, and hanging out with my friends. So far I haven’t been a frequent cook, but learning how to prepare more sophisticat

About me - Yukino Izumikawa

  My name is Yukino. I’m Japanese. I was born and raised in Shimane, the west side of Japan, but I live in Niigata now. I’m 19 years old. I’m a freshman in college and I majored in literature. I haven’t decided my specialty, yet I want to study about French literature since French is my second foreign language. Though I only speak Japanese and a little English now, but I hope I become a multilingual speaker in the future, such as French, Korean and Chinese, etc.   I have two brothers, older and younger. Even though we’ve grown up, sometimes we fight. And I have a lovely dog. His name is Maru, naughty 4-year-old boy. He is always looking for food and lives for food and sleep, but he is adorable and the cutest dog in the world, I think.   My hobby is traveling. I like to go on a journey alone or with friends. I already went to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Fukushima. So next time, I want to travel overseas, especially European countries.  

About me - Sota Maeda

  Hello, I’m Sota Maeda. I'm Japanese. I was born in Kakogawa city, Japan, and now I live in Kakogawa. I'm a college student. I belong to the faculty of foreign languages, and I study English there. I also learn not only English but Spanish in the college. Now, I stay in Dunedin, New Zealand and study English harder.   I would often play sports. When I was a junior high school student, I was a member of the badminton club. Furthermore, when I was a high school student, I belonged to the table tennis club. I was a vice captain of that club, so I worked very hard. Today, I play the guitar in my college. I took part in the regular concert that was held last November. I practiced hard, and the concert was successful. I want to participate in the concert held in Dunedin someday.   My passion is watching airplanes. In my spare time, I sometimes go to an airport to take pictures of many beautiful aircraft. It is fun time for me. My other hobby is watching animations such as “The Promi

About me -- Mao Nakamura

I'm Mao Nakamura. I was born in Hiroshima, Japan. My hometown has a beautiful sea and a lot of nature, so I love my hometown. I’m a university student in Osaka. I major in English because I want to be an English teacher. I would like to speak English fluently and understand fast English.  My family consists of four members including me. My father sells cars. He is usually calm, but he is very kind. My mother is a kindergarten teacher. She is a cheerful person, so she always talks to me. My sister is six years younger than me. She is so funny that I always laugh when I talk with her. I like the time when I spend with my family.  My hobby is reading books. When I was a child, my parents read books to me before I went to bed. One of my favorite books was “Cinderella”. I loved not only the story but also the picture. I cannot read many books now because I’m always very busy. I would like to read a lot of books from now on.

About me - Katsuki Nonome

  Hi,my name is Katsuki Nonome. I'm from Japan. I live in Niigata,Japan. I go to Niigata University. In Niigata there are more ramen shops than any other prefecture. I like to eat ramen. I eat ramen once every two weeks. There are so many ramen shop I like. If you come to Niigata,I'll tell you my recomened ramen shops.   I love dogs. I had two dogs. Though one is dead,I still have one dog. The dog breed is a chihuahua. The dog's name is Monaka. Monaka is a Japanese sweet name. The color of the dog and the color of the sweet are the same. It is light brown. So we named it after that sweet name.  It is so lovely. Now I live by myself, away from my family. I can't see it frequently. I miss my dog.  I belong to a basketball club in my university. I have played it for 4 years. I want to get better at basketball. So in addition to three times a week team practice, I go to practice by myself once a week. My hobby is watching MMA fight. I took a lesson in Karate. Because I'

About Karen

 I’m Karen. I use to live in America when I was two months till three years old in a town near Seattle Washington, and now I live alone in Tokyo. I’m a university student right now and my major is physics. I will be staying here for two months. I have been dancing for almost seven years and now I am a member of a dance club in my uni. I dance general Girls and a little bit of Jazz. I’m taking a break right now but I’m thinking to restart my club in April after I’m back in Japan.  I like to drive but I don’t have my own car in Tokyo so I usually borrow one. I went to 5th station of Mt. Fuji last year. It took more than three hours but I’m hoping to go again. And I also like to walk especially when it has a nice temperature at night. I live in the middle of the city in Tokyo. Middle of the Tokyo is called “city that never sleeps”. It’s always bright and always a lot of people which makes me feel safe. 

About me -- Ryuya Fujimoto

 My name is Ryuya Fujimoto. I'm 19 years old. I am from Japan. I was born in Yamagata Prefecture, north of Tokyo. Yamagata is countryside, and it is a peaceful and great place to live. It has many mountains and delicious food and fruits.  I like to play and watch basketball. I have been playing basketball for 10 years. I often watch NBA because it is very exciting.  My favorite player is Kobe Bryant because he is a hard worker and there are many things to learn from his mentality which is called Mamba Mentality. I also like Sandro Mamukelashvili. He is a 24-year-old Georgian player. He is not a well- known player, but he is talented and has a lot of good skills. I often listen to music on spotify. Last year I listened to music for approximately 57,500 minutes in total. I like many types of music, for example, rap, rock, instrumental, and Celtic music. My favorite musicians are NF, Coldplay, The Script, Two Steps From Hell, Smash into pieces, Nightwish, Enya, and so on. I think

About Me

Write a composition of up to 200 words about yourself. Write about what you would like your classmates & teacher to know about you. Aim to write at least three paragraphs. Use your full name as the title for this post. Upload your personal profile to the blog with an image of your choice. 

Welcome to your Advanced Class Blog

  Hi class, welcome to our blog. I am looking forward to interacting with you all here. Watch this space for the blog post 1 prompt. See you soon, David :-)