About me - Sota Maeda

  Hello, I’m Sota Maeda. I'm Japanese. I was born in Kakogawa city, Japan, and now I live in Kakogawa. I'm a college student. I belong to the faculty of foreign languages, and I study English there. I also learn not only English but Spanish in the college. Now, I stay in Dunedin, New Zealand and study English harder.

  I would often play sports. When I was a junior high school student, I was a member of the badminton club. Furthermore, when I was a high school student, I belonged to the table tennis club. I was a vice captain of that club, so I worked very hard. Today, I play the guitar in my college. I took part in the regular concert that was held last November. I practiced hard, and the concert was successful. I want to participate in the concert held in Dunedin someday.

  My passion is watching airplanes. In my spare time, I sometimes go to an airport to take pictures of many beautiful aircraft. It is fun time for me. My other hobby is watching animations such as “The Promised Neverland”. I am always surprised about the great qualities of various motion pictures.


  1. My passion is watching trains. Badminton is full of fun and challege. Cheers!

    1. Wow, that is a wonderful passion!!! Yes, I think playing badminton is a lot of fun and good for our health.

  2. Taking photographs of aircrafts sounds interesting! Although I've been interested in it, I never tried.

    1. Yes, I am always very excited when I take pictures of airplanes!!! I strongly recommend it!

  3. It's amazing that you can play the guitar!

    1. Thank you! I have been interested in playing the guitar since I was a high school student, so I am glad I can play it in my university!!!

  4. What do you like about watching planes, Sota? Do you sometimes imagine yourself being one of the passengers and jetting away here or there like them? The idea of flight has a sense of escape to it, a going beyond, a transcendence, I guess. What do you think? David :-)

    1. I always think it is amazing that a plane, which is a lump of iron can fly in the sky! At an observation deck of the airport, I imagine myself being one of the passengers jetting from here to somewhere. Also, I take pictures of them with beautiful scenery such as mountains, sea, flower gardens. It is relaxed time for me!

  5. What music do you like to play with the guitar?

    1. I played a few songs, but I like playing Hanamizuki!!! I also like playing The Four Seasons made by Vivaldi.

  6. Hello Sota! It's so interesting how you've been engaged in different sport activities. As you study both English and Spanish, what's your opinion in relation to them? Do you find one more difficult than the other?

    1. Hello Isis! As you said, I have playing different sports activities using racket! I think there are lots of words that have the similar spellings between English and Spanish. For example, the English word "bank" is similar to the Spanish word "banko" from the perspective of spelling. From my feeling, Spanish is a little more difficult than English!

  7. I also like "The Promised Neverland". It is very interesting manga.

    1. Wow, really!? It is very interesting story, right?

  8. The air show will probably be held in Wanaka in the last week of March. I recommend this for you.

    1. Wow!!! I have not watching an air show yet, so it sounds very interesting! Thank you for sharing information!


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