A Myth Debunked - Sota

A myth: Feminists hate men

They have all heard of the angry man-hating feminist trope by now.

feminism sounds less like a movement made to combat gender inequality and sexism and more about the dislike of men as a whole.

a team of reserchers from the university of Surrey engaged nearly 10,000 participants to investigate the accuracy of the stereotype.

When the reseachers asked feminists in Italy, Poland, the UK, and the US to estimate how they felt about men, it was found that they had largery positive attitudes toward men. (did not differ from non-feminists)

They also extended the investigation to men and women in China, India, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. There were no differences between feminists and non-feminists. 


  1. Interesting! I didn't know about feminist so much, but from your vlog, I thought that feminists not really hating men. They just want equal rights between men and women.

  2. Such an interesting myth debunked

  3. I agree with this statement because in this topic it’s up to the person. -- Auto

  4. Interesting! As a researcher myself, I would want to read the study to learn about the details.


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