About me - Yukino Izumikawa


My name is Yukino.
I’m Japanese. I was born and raised in Shimane, the west side of Japan, but I live in Niigata now. I’m 19 years old. I’m a freshman in college and I majored in literature. I haven’t decided my specialty, yet I want to study about French literature since French is my second foreign language. Though I only speak Japanese and a little English now, but I hope I become a multilingual speaker in the future, such as French, Korean and Chinese, etc.


I have two brothers, older and younger. Even though we’ve grown up, sometimes we fight. And I have a lovely dog. His name is Maru, naughty 4-year-old boy. He is always looking for food and lives for food and sleep, but he is adorable and the cutest dog in the world, I think.


My hobby is traveling. I like to go on a journey alone or with friends. I already went to Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Fukushima. So next time, I want to travel overseas, especially European countries.



  1. Maru is so cute name! When do you think that he is naughty, for example?

    1. Thanks! I think he becomes naughty when he is trying to eat something on the sly.

  2. I just searched Shimane on google map. I see moutains and sea. Great place!

    1. Thank you! we have beautiful nature instead of having big city haha

  3. I can understand dogs are always looking for food because I have a dog, too! That behavior is cute!

    1. Yesss! Sometimes he makes me annoyed, but he is still lovely.

  4. I studied a little French at junior high school and got to try it out when I travelled in Europe in my late teens. I am sure you'd love travelling in France. There are so many treasures of culture to be explored there. The Gothic & Romanesque cathedrals there are awe-inspiring.
    What is your favourite place to visit in Japan so far?
    David :-)

    1. Thank you! Actually, I am going to visit and stay in France this year to study! I can explore many places as you said.
      Kyoto is one of my favorite place in Japan, but I also like to enjoy nature! It makes me feel relaxed.

  5. Hi Yukino. You are so young. I envy that. :)

    1. Hi. But you have more knowledge about everything than me!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hello Yukino, Maru looks lovely! My pets are always found sleeping or eating too, and they are petted all the time hahah a dream life they have. Regarding your studies, have you always been interested in French language and literature? Is there a particular reason for that? :)

    1. Thanks! Yes , they're living in a perfect life haha I've been studying French since last year. Originally I have an interest in French history and buildings so I decided to learn! But I dont have enough knowledge about those, still learning.

  8. Your dog Maru looks very cute! I hope you will become a wonderful multilingual speaker in the future!

    1. Thank you!! I know it will be required a hard effort, but I'll try :-)

  9. I also want to travel Europe. I like the buildings of Europe. That's why I chose to study in Dunedin. What points of Europe do you like?

    1. I like their buildings, too! And I love to know the cultural differences by comparing with Japan, so I wanna see the daily life in Europe. I hope you will travel EUrope!.


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