Mao Nakamura - ISFJ

 My MBTI is ISFJ, "the Defender". The textbook says "traditional, loyal, quiet and kind. You are sensitive to other people's need because you are very observant and pay attention to detail. You do not seek positions of authority."

 I often care about people's hearts. For example, I think what people want me to do and decide how I will behave. Moreover, I think what to act to prevent other people from feeling bad. Sometimes I'm too sensitive to do what you want, so I feel tired.

I partly agree that I'm quiet. I'm so quiet when I'm alone. Also, I don't speak very much when I see people for the first time. However, I talk a lot with my family and friends. I joke and laugh loudly among close people. I love chatting and laughing.

I agree that I'm not interested in authority. I don't want to be a leader because I don't like to be responsible. When I start a job, I don't want to get promoted. However, I was student council vice president when I was a junior high school just because I wanted improve my grades. 

very observant and pay attention to detail. You do not seek positions of authority.


  1. You sound like a very sweet person! I also don't like being the leader, and avoid being responsible for other people. I'd rather be in a role that allows me to work quietly and without much stress.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you, Isis. I think so, too. I like to work alone and freely.

  2. we are same. It is honor for me. Maybe you are a great listener.

  3. I am The Confidant, also sensitive to people's feelings. But I am gonna change this, because I strive for living my own life, not taking too much accountability for others.

    1. I respect you. I try not to think about other people before I'm sacrificed.

  4. I agree with what you say. I am often concerned about how other people feel and get tired.

  5. My personality tipe is INTP, but I also think about other people's feelings and emotional changes too much and feel a little tired. However, I think that negative-looking personality is also one of good aspects for us!


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