
My result of Myers-Briggs test is INTP, 'the engineer'. It says 'logical individualistic, reserved and very curious individuals. You focus on ideas, theories and the explanation of how things work'.

I partially agree with this result. I think I am logical and reserved. On the other hand, sometimes I am individualistic, but at other times I am altruistic. Sometimes I put my own benefit first, but I also spend time for other people.  I also think I'm not very curious.


  1. People have very diverse aspects It is nature. Flat characters are rare.

  2. I found it interesting that you have the opposite personality that MBTI test result suggested.

    1. I think MBTI test partially matches my personality, but it is not perfect.

  3. It is nice to spend your time for other people!!

  4. We are so complex that we can identify with contrasting characteristics at the same time, can't we? Like you, I may be altruist and individualist, logical and emotional, curious and apathetic, and so on.

  5. I strongly think that both individualistic and altruistic characteristics are great aspects of you!


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