INTP-Mizuki Kikori

 I identify myself as an INTP, which stands for introverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. This personality type is characterized by being logical, individualistic, reserved, and highly curious. INTPs tend to focus on ideas, theories, and the explanation of how things work.

Although I am mostly satisfied with this explanation, I have to admit that it doesn't always fit my personality. While I enjoy being alone, going outside without any plans, and having deep conversations with my friends, I also like going out and chatting with my friends. Sometimes, I even have difficulties in focusing on something complicated.


  1. Maybe Dunedin is good for you. it has so many small path through forest. That is good for walking alone.

  2. I'm a INTP person too! It is good that you like not only being alone but chatting with your friends, challenging various activities, and so on!!!

  3. You enjoy both time being alone and being with friends. It is good.

  4. I don't like focusing on something complex for a long time, too!!

  5. Many INTP people in this class hahaha. Curiosity is the best motivation!


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