According to the "Myers-Briggs Test Indicator", my profile is identified as 'The Confidant", which describes "introspective, caring, sensitive, gentle and complex people that strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others". I could definitely say that introspective and sensitive are both precise adjectives to portray myself. While I have a rich inner world, and spend lots of time with my own thoughts and imagination, I am also able to sense the others around me and feel when there is something wrong. This can be deemed as a developed interpersonal skill, but at times I may feel overwhelmed by this "awareness" and consequently look for solitary activities to clear my mind.

    I am not sure whether I would use the phrase "strive for peace" to indicate that I'd rather be in peaceful environments than in chaotic ones. I avoid conflicts, but don't try to make other people behave the same way. Regarding the other adjectives, caring, gentle, and complex, I believe they are accurate, yet it is important to emphasize that everything depends on the intimacy and affection I have with the other person. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. sometime I have a meditation alone, it give to me "rich inner world" I recommend meditation. May you will like.

    2. I've tried once, but had some difficulties concentrating. But I enjoy yoga practice :)

  2. I am also identified as "The Confidant". In fact, having high senstivity towards the needs and emotions of others is a miserable thing to me. I am trying to become more selfish.

    1. I believe that being highly sensitive can be a blessing or a curse, depending on whether we are able to set boundaries between ourselves and the others.

  3. I am just reminded that you introduced your caramel spread when we had lunch together. I like your tenderness.

    1. Thank you, Mizuki! I'm happy you liked this Latin American sweet :)

  4. I want to avoid conflicting with other people as well as you, and I often think about other people's feelings and emotional changes. However, I think it is a very nice characteristic of you!

    1. I say the same, it's lovely you consider other people's feelings!

  5. I agree that you are gentle! I always happy that you smile at me when we eye contact.

    1. It's true, we always smile at each other! hahah 😄

  6. “don't try to make other people behave the same way” is a nice thing😃
    I think there’s no way you can change others behavior and I feel that not expect something to others is very important to protect ourselves.

    1. I am on the same page as you! It's probably better to focus on our own behavior, otherwise we may end up frustrated with others.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Feeling overwhelmed by awareness is tough. Please don't be too hard on yourself.

    2. Thank you, Katsuki! As I grew older, I learnt not to get too involved.


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