About me - Andrew Cha


Hello, everyone.

It is nice to meet you all.

My name is Andrew Cha.

Last year, I came to New Zealand with my family.

I am taking my first sabbatical in  life, experiencing a new life in a New Zealand.

I have been living in New Zealand for about 9 months now, and every day feels fresh.

Somethings that were routine and easy in my previous life are not so easy in New Zealand.

It took a lot of time. 

It even took two weeks to install internet in the rental house.

However, there are also many new things here in New Zealand that I could not easily do before, which are now very common and easy to do.

Sitting on the right side of the vehicle and driving was very unfamiliar to me, but everyone does it here.

Maybe your life in New Zealand is unfamiliar and challenging, but there are also many new and exciting things.

I hope you all enjoy your new life in New Zealand.


  1. Yeah, everything here is different from our home country. Although I don't know whether I will study here after June, this is a good journey. Have a joyful weekend!

  2. Hello, I will stay here for 9 months, so I was very glad to read your story!!! I have not accustomed to the new life in New Zealand yet, but I want to enjoy them!

  3. You have been living here very long!! I respect you!


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