Yukino Izumikawa - INFP

My Myers-Briggs Test Indicator is INFP “The dreamer”,which is personality type tends to be introspective, private, creative and highly idealistic indivisuals that want to do good in the world. And this type often has a talent for language and writing.

I think this description only applies to half. I am an private and a little bit idealistic person. I like to spend time alone such as going for a walk and traveling somewhere.  But I do not think I want to do good in the world, just for myself and I am not good at creating something. I only like to watch creative works such as paintings, photograghs and buildings. I wish I had a talent for language. I am still struggling to improve my english.



  1. What do you think makes you a bit of an idealistic person?

    1. I often think about my future, like traveling and the world or working abroad. Too big dream

  2. Hi Yukino, thanks for sharing. I enjoy going for walks too, alone or with a friend. A quick point about 'wanting to do good in the world.' This doesn't mean 'for yourself' but rather for others or for 'the world.' It means the same as 'wanting to make the world a better place.' If this is true of you, this is a good thing.
    David :-)

  3. I find it difficult to improve my English, either.
    You wrote this blog in English really well, so I suppose that you really don't realize your talent for learning foreign languages!

  4. Do you know Gaudi? He's a very famous architect. If you're interested in architecture, I highly recommend visiting Gaudi's buildings. He's a Dreamer like you.

    1. I looked it up on the website about him! So brilliant buildings. Thank you, I’ll look more information:-)

  5. I am fond of spending time alone climbing mountains or walking along river and sea. I wish I have a talent for Japanese language.

  6. You absolutely have a language talent, so you can improve many languages!!

  7. I like to spend my own time listening to music and watching anime. And yes, I also want to have a talent for English! Let's make a effort together!


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