Roger Ni-INFJ

My Myers-Briggs Test Indicator is "The Confidant" which means I am introspective, senstive,gentle,complex people who strive for peace and derive satisfaction from helping others.

I partly agree with this conclusion to the extent of maybe, 70%.

As far as I am concerned, I am kind of solitary, spending much time on my own. I can feel the needs and emotional changes of others, but I am always disturbed by this. Right now, focusing on myself is the priority, and being senstive has gone too far.

It's hard to say if I feel joyful in terms of offering help to others. Perhaps half of the time it is true.

I also searched the defination of INFJ on google, part of which is led by their values and intuition, and firm decision makers. Yes, I am quite obstinate.

It's just a test and I don't pretty much care if it is right or wrong.


  1. For somebody or some situation, MBTI is useful or helpful, but for me it is just a something.

  2. I'm a solitary person too. I sometimes like being alone. It is great that you can feel other people's feelings and emotional changes!!! I'm sure you are very kind person.

    1. Actually, I wanna be a courageous person even if not so kind haha.

  3. I often see you being alone in the campus, so I think this test result reflects some aspects of your personalities. I agree with the last sentence. I think we can enjoy the test result but we don't need to care or believe it.

    1. Once I saw you carry the large backpack, maybe in the central library!

  4. I really agree with the way you think about MBTI test, it’s just a test and I think it’s nice to do just as an entertainment. Think too much just makes nothing.😃

  5. I totally agree with you! This kind of test can be useful to undersatnd who I am to some extent, but it's just a test. We don't have to care about the results. just enjoy our life what we want!

    1. Cheers! I'd rather talk about hiking than personality.

  6. I feel sympathy for being disturbed by feeling other needs and emotion!!
    I'm sometimes tired to care them too much…

    1. People such as me might as well be more insenstivie haha.

  7. I have some opinion with you. It is just a test. We just use this tool to understand ourself to some extent and then we just enjoy the results.


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