About me- Roger Ni

 Hi everyone!


My name is Roger. I come from China and have been living in Shanghai all through my life. I am studying English language at Otago. Happy to share some precious time with you here.


I am always a fan of a variety of sports, especially weightlifting and yoga. These are the two main activities to unwind myself. Weightlifting is a process to move the barbell from the ground level to an overhead position primarily by the power generated by legs and glutes. Since I am a beginner, I can’t lift much. There is a good friend in Shanghai, and she is more than a coach to me.


After my arrival here, I have been watching YouTube videos regarding cooking. I am interested in knowing about different cooking styles. My favorite one is a bagel sticked with squashed sausages with a coddled egg in the middle hole, nice and easy.


I love dogs and often dream of raising a border collie, the smartest dog on earth. There are benefits I know from walking and playing with a dog on a regular basis. My aunt has a white small dog which always makes us laugh a lot.


I have no sisters or brothers. Right now, my mother is living with her sister. Although there is always a generation gap between us, I miss and care for her.


  1. Nice to read about you, Roger. I agree with you that owning a dog is beneficial to health. I know that I exercise more because I have to take my dog, Neo, for an evening walk each day. Doing so also helps me meet other people in the neighbourhood, as well, so walking the dog strengthens my social ties. I am gradually getting to know the other dog owners around Maori Hill, my suburb.
    Do you think you'll continue to practise your pastimes of yoga & weight lifting here in Dunedin?
    David :-)

    1. Glad to know you have a dog, Neo. Dogs are very attuned to our emotions. Although I haven't been doing any pastimes of yoga or weightlifting for one month, I keep walking up and down the Pine Hill from time to time. Do you like living around Maori Hill? Is it a good place?

  2. Hi Roger. Since I arrived in Dunedin, I've also been challenging myself in terms of cooking. It's so valuable to develop new skills and find out hidden talents :) Do you have a favorite Chinese recipe to share?

    1. I highly recommend Chinese Hot Pot. While simmering a pot of soup at the table, we put raw ingredients into the soup to cook. It's a joyful time to share with friends or families.

  3. I love bagels, too. If you have favorite youtube channel or bagel shop, please tell me!

    1. Well, I am following a youtube channel called Jamie Oliver whose recipe and style I really like.

  4. I am interested in yoga. I am not familiar with yoga, but I heard it is great, so I want to practice it someday!

    1. Great idea. I practised yoga for fun. Many yogis think it is bringing peace to your mind, not only to the body.

  5. It's great that you play weightlifting!

    1. I haven't been practising for some time, and I miss my coach and friends in Shanghai.

  6. I like border collies, too and I watch movies of them on YouTube!

    1. In Dunedin, I haven't seen some border collies. In Shanghai, a lot!

  7. Hi Roger, I want to visit your hometown, Shanghai and eat many delicious foods sometime! I like watching cooking videos too. I didn't know bagels, so please tell me more about it! I'm very interested in it.

    1. Welcome! I like Japanese ramen! Bagel, I think is kind of like a donut-shaped bread hahaha.

  8. Nice to meet you Roger. Shanghi has a very deep historical connection with South Korea.

  9. Someday I want to go Shanghai and drink yum cha.

    1. Cheers! Yum cha is popular culture originated in Guangdong. Many people in Shanghai like it pretty much, too.


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