Sota Maeda - INTP

 My MBTI parsonarity is INTP, "The Engineer". It is said that a INTP person is logical, individualistic, reserved and very curious individual. I agree with logical and reserved perspectives. When I start doing something new, I often think the way the thing will be in progress deeply. I don't think about something emortionally, so I think I am a logical person. Also, I'm sure I have a reserved characteristic. I don't express my feelings such as anger and upset in front of other people. I sometimes like to spend a time alone. 

 However, I disagree with individualistic perspective. I think I am not a selfish person, and I think about the feelings of other people at the discussion time, for example. 


  1. It's interesting how you analyse the way something will work in progress. How do you think this characteristic can help you in your career path?

    1. I think this characteristic will help me do various things logically and efficiently. I want to be an air traffic controller in the future, and this job needs logical thinking because I must instruct many airplanes and analyse their moving.

  2. The ability of thinking logically is good, I think. I often act before think and end up regretting haha

    1. Thank you, but acting before thinking is also great and important aspect!

  3. We can make rational judgments because we have logical people. The logical aspect is a crucial part of life. However, if I approach my wife logically, it causes trouble.

    1. I don't think that I am a good logical person, but I often think how the things will work before acting. Oh, does it cause trouble between you and your wife!?

  4. Cheers! I think figuring out how things work is of great essence.

    1. Thank you! I cannot help thinking before acting various things...

  5. Being able to think logically is a useful skill, Sota. It can help you in so many circumstances in life. It is important at the same time though to be able to take other people's feelings into account when interacting with them, so it is great you have this skill as well.
    David :-)

    1. Thank you very much. I sometimes think about other people's feelings and emotional changes too much, and I think it is a problem for me, but I was relieved to read your comment!!!

  6. I think that you aren't selfish, too. You are very kind!!


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