
Showing posts from April, 2024

A Myth Debunked -- Martiniano

Many people think that eating raw meat is bad for our health but they are wrong. There are many studies that show that eating not fully cooked meat can’t be bad  for us, and also there are more that eating past coccion meat would be bad for our health. but here we have some rules to eat raw meat or not fully cooked.  1 the meat has to be fresh or with a good process. 2 the meat needs to have a good quality. 3 The meat can be cooked with things like lemon or pepper.

Marijuana Can Kill Cancer Cells -- Narapatr

It is said that marijuana can kill cancer cells. This statement about marijuana is not true, though. Taking marijuana theraputically just means patients can eat more food, and it reduces nausea and helps with sleeping. But it can’t kill cancer cells.

A Myth Debunked - Lom

 Shaving causes hair to grow back faster and thicker Shaved hair that hasn’t yet been exposed to the bleaching effects of sunlight may appear darker. And compared to the tapered end of an unshaved strand of hair, the sheared ends usually feel coarser. While these two effects might make recently shaved hair seem thicker, there is no evidence that shaving influences the growth rate or thickness of hair.

A Myth Debunked - Sota

A myth: Feminists hate men They have all heard of the angry man-hating feminist trope by now. feminism sounds less like a movement made to combat gender inequality and sexism and more about the dislike of men as a whole. a team of reserchers from the university of Surrey  engaged nearly 10,000 participants to investigate the accuracy of the stereotype. When the reseachers asked feminists in Italy, Poland, the UK, and the US to estimate how they felt about men, it was found that they had largery positive attitudes toward men. (did not differ from non-feminists) They also extended the investigation to men and women in China, India, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan. There were no differences between feminists and non-feminists. 

A Myth Debunked -- Hana

 In Japan, We have a myth about solution of cold. When people get cold, they say  ''If you wrap green onion to your neck, it will heal the cold''. This is an old myth in Japan and there were a lot of people did this in reality. But, of course it won't work so simply. We don't have any medical basis about it. Then, why people thought that  ''If you wrap green onion to your neck, it will heal the cold'' ? The point is the effects of green onion. Green onion's smell has strong ''bactericidal action''. It means Green onion is effective to kill the virus. this reason made this myth. However, green onion is effective because we eat it, so it's better to eat it than wrapping on our neck. Also, green onion has an effect that heal the tiredness. When you have a cold or feeling tired, you should eat green onion.

A Myth Debunked

Write a post in which you debunk a myth. First briefly describe the myth, then explain how people came to believe it, and finally outline the evidence for it not being true. Title your post 'A Myth Debunked -- Your Name' and illustrate it with a relevant image.