A Myth Debunked - Lom

 Shaving causes hair to grow back faster and thicker

Shaved hair that hasn’t yet been exposed to the bleaching effects of sunlight may appear darker. And compared to the tapered end of an unshaved strand of hair, the sheared ends usually feel coarser. While these two effects might make recently shaved hair seem thicker, there is no evidence that shaving influences the growth rate or thickness of hair.


  1. Interesting! I think shaved hair looks like more thick and coarser. But, I'm not sure that what gonna happen after I shaved my hair, so either way, I won't gonna try it.

  2. Interesting, I think I have to try shaving my hair to prove this statement. --- Auto

  3. It is interesting that a myth we believe true is debunked by reseach!!! I thought our hair grows back with high rate and thicker after we shave it. Humans have incredibly great abilities to disprove a myth!

  4. This is an interesting myth. I remember a neighbor of ours shaved her baby's head to help with his hair growth and I remember the baby had nice hair as he grew up. But then again it could be due to the baby's natural growing process. I will never know.

  5. interesting and true that's what happed with my beard hair!!!


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