A Holiday Snapchat - Mao Nakamura

 I would like to describe my memorable holiday. I went to Brighton Beach with my host family, my flatmates, and two dogs on the holiday. At this time, I went to a beach for the first time since I came to New Zealand. It was much bigger than I have expected. Moreover, the beach was very magnificent and beautiful.

I and my flatmates are so excited that we ran around like my two dogs. We enjoyed doing several things. For example, we picked up gorgeous seashells and took wonderful pictures. Furthermore, we drew funny pictures on the sandy beach.

In addition, my host parents grilled sausages in the beach. We ate the sausages while having fun talking. Although it was a windy and cold day, I became warm because I ate hot delicious sausages.

I decided to write about this holiday because it was the last holiday memory that my family all could make. My flatmates will come back to Japan this weekend. Though I miss them, I was glad to make a lot of amazing memories in New Zealand.


  1. It is a memorable photo with your roommate, isn`t it! NZ has many beaches and I recommend you to go to the tunnel beach in Dunedin. It is so majestic!


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