Something I have learnt along the way-Roger Ni

 There has been a gap in my life in which I don't posssess any purpose of life. I was so addicted to the gym suff, viewing it as a way to escape from reality. Sometimes I even wanted to practise wrestling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I had thrown too much money into those things, including a bunch of memberships, shoes, clothes, jumping ropes,etc.

As you know, I am a fairly introverted and solitary person, my only joyful social life then was enjoying exercising time with those workout buddies in the early morning.

The pleasure brought by dopamine was temporary, and this sort of addiction never helped me switch to a more optimistc life.

Then in 2022, I met with Gabriella, or Gaby. She is more than a weightlifting coach to me. She taught me how to breathe. I am not able to translate what she said me into English. That has changed me a little bit.

What I have learnt is that, perhaps, I shall be relaxed, reassuring, and "inappropriate".


  1. I always tell my wife and my son,
    "If you do your best, do not look back. At that time, you achieved the best result given your circumstances. So regard yourself proudly."

    1. Great point! Some day I will have a walk on Maori Hill. A coffee shop owner told me that it's a pleasure to live there.

  2. It was great that you met the person who changed your life in a good direction!!


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