Something I have learned along the way - Ryuya Fujimoto

 My motto is 'endeavor' and I have learned a lot of lessons about it by Kobe Bryant who is one of the hall of fame players in NBA. He was a hard worker and his mindset is called Mamba Mentality. "Mamba Mentality is all about focusing on the process and trusting in hard work when it matters most", he said. " It's the ultimate mantra for the competitive spirit, It started just as a hashtag that come to me oneday, and it's grown into something athletes, and even non-athletes, embrace as a mindset". 

He spent a lot of time and making a lot of sacrifices. He sacrificed the time of  leisure, sleep, spending with family or friends, and so on, and focused on achieving his goal. He always had ambition to improve himself, and practiced  when people sleep and when people hang out. He pushed himself thoroughly everyday. He said"If you really want to be great at something, you have to obsess over it. A lot of people say they want tobe great, but they're not not willing to make the sacrifices necessary to achieve greatness. they have other concerns, whether important or not, and they spared themselves out. that's totally fine. After all, greatness is not for everybody. What I'm saying is greatness isn't easy to achieve. It requires a lot of time, a lot of sacrifices. It requires a lot of tough choices...". This is a part of the book ' Mamba Mentality How I Play' and I love this book.

 His mentality have great influence on my life. I think if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be the person who I am today. Unfortunately he passed away by helicopter accident, but his mentality will live in my heart and mind forever.


  1. yes, i know the Mamba Mentality. It is very impressive to me. Maybe you will be a good man like Kobe.

  2. He is a respectful person!!
    Although I can't sacrifice a lot of things like him, I was very impressed about his thinking.


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