Roger Ni—A Tough Cookie

I would like to write about the phrase "a tough cookie".

"A tough cookie" is used to describe someone who is strong, resilient physically and emoionally to overcome hardships.

My experience was a six-month time during which I kept getting up at 5:30 every moring and went to the gym with some workout buddies at least 5 times a week. Even in the frigid winter in Shanghai, we maintained this kind of ritual to meet each other at 6:30.

We all have different interests regarding exercises, from weightlifting to powerlfting, from running to yoga, but somehow we managed to have a lot of ideas to share. It genuinely became a pleasure.

After workingout in the dawn, I would go to a study room to learn English and Japanese, while others would go to work, and the breakfast at McDonalds was utterly tasty!
I really miss that time, bringing me a sense of fulfillment, at which point I knew I had a goal to achieve.


  1. Wake up early in the morning, It's not easy. Accomplishing it is remarkable. you are so great!!!

  2. You are a tough cookie because you make effort! I also think passion is important to work hard!

  3. It is amazing to consistently go to the gym when just walking up early is already challenging!

  4. 5 days a week at 5:30??
    You’re the tough cookie.
    Hamburger after workout must be awesome!!

  5. You spend every day with a sense of achievement! I respect you because you strive to do many things such as foreign languages and exercising!


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