A Holiday Snapshot - Isis

    At first I wanted to share a “real" trip I'd taken, but instead, I decided to tell you about a brief outing I went within my own hometown. One day, my boyfriend took me to an old quarter I had never been before, promising it had a magical setting. We parked the car and strolled through its cobbled narrow streets, lined with modest dwellings and mom-and-pop local shops. We also wound our way through a shabby railroad track on a deserted unpaved street surrounded by woodland which seemed kinda gloomy. Finally, we picked up some snacks from a dairy store and settled on a bench in a small central square to enjoy them. The neighborhood was far from bustling. On the contrary, it felt like a glimpse into the past when the city still had the unspoilt charm of a provincial lifestyle and had yet not become sprawling and industrially developed. This little adventure has left its mark on my memory. It reminds me of how simple things can become great when we set out to explore something that we thought was familiar more deeply. Also, a trip doesn't need to be to an exotic place to be memorable. It's all about being willing to look at things differently and, sometimes, being with someone special too.


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