A Proverb I Agree With - Andrew

 I agree with "treat others as you wish to be treated"

I am always making an effort to communicate with my kids. 

My priority is their happiness.

I realized that when I did not listen attentively to my kid's stories and only foccused on my own when they raised issues, they felt they were not repected.

When this happened repeatedly, they stopped wanting to listen to me.

To get my kid to listen to me, show interest, and follow my opinions, I learned that I need to listen to their stories frist.

Through conversations with my kids, I have learned a lot


  1. I'll be careful about that because I think that is important in all kinds of relationship!

  2. I think this is really important thing to make a good relationship. I like the way you treat your kids.
    I feel that you really love and taking care about your kids.

  3. Auto - I'm very agree with this. I don't think having one way relationship will be good.

  4. I strongly agree with you. I also believe that I have to pay attention to what other people say. If I can do that, everyone will be willing to listen to my opinion, belief, and so on.


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