A Dream Adventure -- Hana

 I want to travel around the world by balloon. I like to look down the view from the sky so I love to go on the air craft. But I want to add originality so I'll choose balloon.

I want to take photos of each country's view from the sky and have a communication with local people. 

I don't want to decide how long, because if I decide it, I have to care about time. I want to travel in a freedom and I don't want to limit the time.


  1. Wow, what a fantasy! You'd certainly get another perspective on the world from a balloon. You'd also gain an awareness of the wind and the weather since the sky would be your highway and these phenomena impact how you can travel through it. Somehow as humans we yearn for transcendence, and I imagine that feeling of going beyond & being above is something this trip could give you.
    David :-)

  2. Such a wonderful dream! You will see a unique scenery of each country from the sky, so it's very attractive.

  3. I can remember the PIXAR animation "UP". A boy and a grandfather(exactly he is not grandfather of the boy) have a journey by balloon house. It was extremely impressed to me. Scientifically it is impossible, but in our imagination every thing is possible. I hope you make your dream come true.

  4. It sounds fun and not deciding how long it takes is also wonderful!


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