Yukino - Impetuous

When I do something bold, it's often impetuous. For example, when I travel, I suddenly feel like going somewhere just two days or even the day before. So I rush to research and prepare accommodations, places, and transportation before setting off the trip. 

I like to make a plan to do something but in most cases, I don't act as planned. I'm satisfied just making plans. In addition, if I want to do something, I just do without thinking the results of my actions. I don't think I've ever regret acting like that, so I'll continue to follow my impetuous instincts.


  1. I agree with you. I think that it is important "Don`t regret, Keep going, if you do your best"
    Good luck!!!

  2. You just follow your intuition 😳
    It sounds interesting!!
    Preparing for a trip is the best time I think.

  3. Me too! Sometimes I also do something without thinking, just following my impetuous instincts.

  4. You are so active person! I think following the instincts and making actions are greater than doing nothing! I often hesitate to do something and I think it is bad, so I want to follow your lead.

  5. I’m really bad at making plans. So I’ll maybe ask you next time to make a plane for meπŸ˜‚


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